Articles on Cannabis and Behavior and Addiction

Aceto et al., Physical Dependance
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics. 287(2):598-605, 1998 Nov

Arnone et al., Sucrose & Ethanol
Psychopharmacology. 132(1):104-106, 1997

Carriero et al., Lever Pressing
Psychopharmacology. 137(2):147-156, 1998

Chaperon et al., Place Conditioning
Psychopharmacology. 135(4):324-32, 1998

Cook et al., Antagonist Withdrawal
The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 285(3):1150-1156, June 1998

Diana et al., Dopamine
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 17:10269-10273, 1998 Aug 18

Ehrenrich et al., Attentional Dysfunction
Psychopharmacology. 142(3):295-301, 1999

French et al., Ventral Tegmentum & Substantia Nigra
Neuroreport. 8(3):649-52, 1997 Feb 10

Haney et al., Abstinence Symptoms
Psychopharmacology. 141(4):395-404, 1999

Jarbe et al., Training Dose
Psychopharmacology. 140(4):519-522, 1998

Jentsch et al., Dopamine
Synapse. 28(1):21-6, 1998 Jan

Jones et al., Relevance of Tolerance & Dependence
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 21(8-9 Suppl):143S-152S, 1981 Aug-Sep

Kouri et al., Withdrawal
Psychopharmacology. 143(3):302-308, 1999

Ledent et al., Effects on Opiate Addiction
Science. 283(5400):401-4, 1999 Jan 15

Martellotta et al., Self Administration
Neuroscience. 85(2):327-30, 1998 Jul

Rodriguez-deFonesca et al., Limbic System
Science. 276( 5321):2050-2054, 1997 Jun 27

Rubino et al., Time-Course Study
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics. 285(2):813-9, 1998 May

Sanudo-Pena & Walker, Rotational Behavior (a)
Synapse. 28(1):27-32, 1998 Jan

Sanudo-Pena et al., Rotational Behavior (b)
Synapse. 30(2):221-6, 1998 Oct

Schuckit et al., Clinical Implications
Am J Psychiatry 156:41-49, 1999 Jan

Swaim et al., Adolescent Substance Abuse
Journal of Adolescent Health. 23(3):128-38, 1998 Sep

Tanda et al., Dopamine
Science. 276( 5321):2048-2050, 1997 Jun 27

Williams & Kirkham, Over Eating
Psychopharmacology. 143(3):315-317, 1999

                            Bryan A. Krumm RN


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