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of Contents [400 Kbytes]
Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy, History of the drugs and drug laws, Medical Marijuana Research, Government Publications on drugs and drug policy, Charts and graphs of drug war statistics, Information on specific drugs and Much, much more.
This noted activist presents information on the Olsen vs. DEA decision, marijuana as medicine, religion and drugs, hemp as an industrial and food resource, and more.
Sponsored by the International Foundation on Drug Policy and Human Rights, Drugtest presents the latest in government policies and important drug research news from Europe and the United States
Human Rights and the Drug War: Dedicated to the Prisoners of the Drug War and their families and to all those working to regain their freedom and restore respect for all Human Rights.
Ibogaine, an alkaloid discovered in plants from the West African rain forest, has been reported to reduce both narcotic and cocaine withdrawal symptoms in humans. The Website contains a wealth of information on ibogaine and its in vivo and in vitro actions, original articles of acclaimed ibogaine researchers, and information on experimental ibogaine treatment.
The Drug Policy Alliance is a project of the Open Society Institute dedicated to broadening the debate on drugs and drug policy. The site features an extensive collection of research papers, fact sheets, and articles from both the academic and popular press. "Focal Points" offer an in-depth look at medical marijuana, heroin prescription, and methadone maintenance, and more.
MAPS is a membership-based organization working to assist psychedelic researchers around the world to design, fund, conduct, and report on psychedelic research in humans. Complete-text articles appearing in the MAPS Bulletin are available at the organization's website. MAPS is a non-profit corporation funded by tax-deductible donations.
On January 25, 1995, the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the District of Columbia by Robert Kampia and Chuck Thomas. The MPP's mission is to provide the marijuana law-reform movement with full-time, organized lobbying on the federal level.
The Internet's most comprehensive resource for the literature of psychedelic drugs. Research reports, philosophical essays, articles, and complete-text books are available both for professional research and for general interest.
A comprehensive collection of material relating to every aspect of the addictive experience, maintained by this noted author and independent addiction researcher. "SPAWS" includes questions from readers, a large on-line library of Stanton's articles, and an active controversy section in which Stanton takes on leading figures in alcohol and addiction research, policy, and treatment.
Views and comments on the drug issue from a wide variety of well-known thinkers and writers, with news articles and media information.
ASAP is an organization of pain patients, their families, doctors, and caregivers, dedicated to improving pain treatment and ensuring that pain patients may obtain the life-giving medications they need.
Families Against Mandatory Minimums Foundation (FAMM Foundation) is a national nonprofit organization founded in March of 1991 by attorneys, judges, criminal justice experts, and the families of inmates in response to the excessive penalties triggered by mandatory minimum sentencing policies for nonviolent offenses.
F.E.A.R. is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to reform of federal and state asset forfeiture laws to restore due process and protect the property rights of innocent citizens.
Websites of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and their Portland chapter, which maintains some of the finest in marijuana-related archives.
The November Coalition is an organization of Drug War prisoners and their loved ones who are urging the citizens of this country to take a second look at the war on drugs. Drug arrests are transforming the Land of the Free. The U.S. is now the world's leading jailer. We echo the words of Senior Federal drugs were devoted instead to education and treatment, the cost and dangers of drug use would be greatly reduced."