
The History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States

Medical Marijuana: Beyond the War on Drugs - Liberty, July 1997

20th Annual Governor's Conference on Substance Abuse - April 14-15, 1997

Kicking the Drug War Habit: A 12 Step Approach - February 19, 1997

Article on George Soros from the New York Times - December 17, 1996

Just Say 'Research' - The Scientist - February 2, 1998

NIDA Boss Touts Addiction Studies - The Scientist - February 2, 1998

The Drug War Is Lost - National Review - February 12, 1996

Carl E. Olsen -
P.O. Box 4091, Des Moines, IA 50333
(515) 288-5798 voice and fax