Listed below are organisations which can provide information about drug and alcohol services.
New South Wales
Centre for Education and Information on Drugs and Alcohol (CEIDA)
Private Mail Bag No. 6
Post Office
Rozelle NSW 2039
Telephone (02) 818 5222, (02) 818 0444
Fax (02) 818 0441
Victorian Drug Strategy Section
Department of Health and Community Services
555 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic. 3000
Telephone (03) 616 8023
Fax (03) 616 7584
Alcohol and Drug Branch
Queensland Health
GPO Box 48
Brisbane Qld 4001
Telephone (07) 234 1139
Fax (07) 234 1699
Western Australia
Western Australia Alcohol and Drug Authority
Carrellis Centre
7 Field Street
Mt Lawley WA 6050
Telephone (09) 370 0333
Fax (09) 272 6605
South Australia
Chief Executive Officer
Drug and Alcohol Services Council
South Australian Health Commission
161 Greenhill Road
Parkside SA 5063
Telephone (08) 274 3333
Fax (08) 373 0749
Alcohol and Drug State Advisory Unit
Department of Community and Health Services
GPO Box 125B
Hobart Tas. 7001
Telephone (002) 336 221
Fax (002) 238 931
Northern Territory
Alcohol and Other Drugs Program
3rd Floor
Health House
87 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0800
PO Box 40596
Casuarina NT 0811
Telephone (089) 892 691
Fax (089) 892 700
Australian Capital Territory
Alcohol and Drug Service
ACT Health
Cnr Moore and Alinga Streets
Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone (06) 205 1323
Fax (06) 205 0951
Assistant Secretary
Drugs of Dependence Branch
Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health
GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone (06) 289 7025
Fax (06) 289 8456
New Zealand
Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
PO Box 5023
Telephone (04) 472 0997
Fax (04) 473 0890.
State Organisation Telephone New South Wales Alcohol and Drug Information Service (02) 331 2111 008 422 599* Victoria Direct Line - Drug Information Service (03) 416 1818 Referral and Counselling 008 136 385* Queensland Alcohol and Drug Information Service (07) 236 2414 008 117 833* Western Alcohol and Drug Australia Information Service (09) 421 1900 008 198 024* South Australia Drug and Alcohol Services Council (08) 274 3333 008 182 118* Tasmania Alcohol and Drug Information Service (002) 282 880 008 811 994* Northern Territory Darwin Alcohol and Drug Information Service (089) 818 030 Alice Springs Drug and Alcohol Service Association (089) 528 412 Australian Capital Alcohol and Drug Territory Information Service (06) 205 4545* free non-metropolitan call
State Organisation Telephone/Fax New South Wales Aboriginal Medical Service (02) 699 2493 (02) 319 5823 (02) 699 8891 (02) 319 3345 (fax) Victoria Koorie Health Unit (03) 616 8045 Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Community (07) 393 0055 Health Service (07) 391 6169 (fax) Western Australia Noongar Alcohol and Substance Abuse (09) 227 8102 Service Inc. (NASAS) (09) 227 1587 (fax) Aboriginal Medical Service of WA Inc. (09) 328 3888 (09) 328 3285 South Australia Aboriginal Recreation Health Service (08) 223 5011 (08) 232 0949 (fax) Aboriginal Home Care Program (08) 232 1513 (08) 232 0949 (fax) Aboriginal Sobriety Group (08) 223 4204 Incorporated (08) 232 0949 (fax) Tasmania Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Incorporated (002) 348 311 (002) 311 348 (fax) Northern Territory Darwin Community Drug and Alcohol Services (089) 818 030 (089) 818 456 (fax) Alice Springs Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (089) 523 377 (089) 530 350 Australian Capital Winnunga Nimmityjah (06) 249 7555 Territory - Aboriginal Health Clinic and Health Services ACT Inc.
Established in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA):
The Twelve Traditions
The Twelve Steps
Doctors need to understand and cooperate with AA by:
New South Wales (02) 799 1199
Outside metro area 008 442 947
Victoria (03) 429 1833
Queensland (07) 210 0162
Western Australia (09) 325 3568
South Australia (08) 346 3255
Tasmania (002) 348 711
Northern Territory
Darwin (089) 819 216
Alice Springs (089) 530 802
Australian Capital Territory (06) 249 1340
These are allied organisations which support the spouses and families of drinking and recovering alcoholic-dependent persons. Doctors can alleviate further damage in the family by referring patients to these groups for education and support.
If the doctor cannot make contact with the alcoholic-dependent, referral of the spouse or family to Al-Anon and Alateen may be the only constructive alternative.
Al-Anon/Alateen – Telephone numbers
New South Wales (02) 264 9255
Victoria (03) 329 0105
(03) 650 3368
(03) 650 3369
Queensland (07) 229 2501
Western Australia (09) 325 7528
South Australia (08) 231 2959
Tasmania (002) 234 244
Northern Territory
Alice Springs (089) 502 478
Casuarina (089) 410 718
(089) 271 975
Australian Capital Territory (06) 248 8651
(Information provided by the organisation)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay free of drugs. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using drugs.
Since its beginning in California in 1953, NA has grown to include meetings in 43 countries. There are over 12 000 groups worldwide, and since the 1980s this number grows 100% every 18 months.
There are no strings attached to NA. We are not affiliated with any other organisations, we have no initiation fees or dues, no pledges to sign, no promises to make to anyone. We are not connected with any political, religious or law enforcement groups, and are under no surveillance at any time. Anyone may join us regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion.
NA structure and services
Although there is no formal organisation within NA, service boards and committees are formed by and for the groups which comprise the NA service structure. Various service committees perform services for the groups, larger areas and regions. NA is guided in all its activities by Twelve Traditions.
NA members perform volunteer services which make possible many activities of NA such as arranging meeting places, answering telephones, special meetings in hospitals and institutions and providing information about NA to the public. All of this helps us to achieve our primary purpose besides 'staying clean' and that is to carry the message of recovery. NA does not provide education, counselling, drug-related research, detoxification, psychiatric or medical diagnosis.
Spirituality of the Narcotics Anonymous Program
Our fellowship is based on spiritual principles, not on any particular religious philosophy. The spiritual aspect of NA has been found to be of utmost importance to ongoing recovery and every member is encouraged to find his or her own interpretation of a power greater than themselves. The Twelve Steps are the basis of our personal recovery.
The anonymity of members
Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.
This tradition ensures that one member's personal opinion, identity and circumstances are never held in higher esteem than the program as a whole. The principle of anonymity protects our groups and members, and allows us to carry the message of recovery to addicts. NA's Twelve Traditions are the foundation which allows every member an equal chance for recovery and ensures the unity of our fellowship.
Narcotics Anonymous – Telephone numbers
New South Wales
Sydney (02) 212 3444
North West Central (043) 25 0524
Wollongong (042) 722 398
Hunter Valley (049) 696 767
Melbourne (03) 417 6472
Brisbane (07) 391 5045
Western Australia
Perth (09) 227 8361
South Australia
Adelaide (08) 231 4233
Hobart (002) 348 087
Northern Territory
Darwin (089) 817 509
Australian Capital Territory
Canberra (06) 288 0835
Narcotics Anonymous – Addresses
Narcotics Anonymous
PO Box 1376
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Aotearoa New Zealand Region of Narcotics Anonymous
PO Box 6826
Wellesley Street
Auckland 1
Aotearoa New Zealand
Stop Smoking Information – counselling programs
New South Wales Quit for Life Campaign (02) 818 5222
Quit Now Programme (02) 747 5655
Quit Smoking Centre (02) 977 5200Victoria Quit Line 11 538
Direct line (counselling) (03) 416 1818
Queensland Alcohol and Drug Information Service (008) 177 833
Western Australia Heart Foundation Stop Smoking Course (09) 388 3343
South Australia Quit Line 11 538
Tasmania Alcohol and Drug Service
Northern Territory Health Promotion Unit (089) 227 370
Anywhere in NT (008) 019 124
Australian Capital Quit Now (06) 249 6822
Territory Quit Smoking (06) 282 3452
(06) 285 3070