Our Medical Advisory Board includes Herman Joseph, Ph. D., Research Scientist for the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services; Dr. Charles Schuster, Director of the University Psychiatric Center (UPC) and former head of NIDA, and his associate, Dr. John Hopper, Medical Director of UPC; Dr. Marc Shinderman, Director/Owner of Center for Addictive Problems (CAP) in Chicago; and Dr. Andrew Byrne, Australia, who has written two books about methadone.
If you have any questions you need answered by the doctors about methadone,
here is the place to send them. yourtype@tir.com
Rapid Opiate Detox - (March 1998, Vol. III, No. III Methadone Today)
Positive UA for Methadone (February 1998, Vol. III, No. II Methadone Today)
Doses Over 100 mg. (January 1998, Vol. III, No. I Methadone Today)
Cimetadine Along with Methadone (December 1997, Vol II, No. XII Methadone Today)
Withdrawal Symptoms from Menstrual Cycle? (November 1997, Vol. II, No. 11 Methadone Today)
Klonopin, Clonidine, and Benzodiazepines (October 1997, Vol. II, No. X Methadone Today)
Comments from Dr. Byrne (Australia) to August & September 1997 Dr. Columns
Klonopin, Clonidine, and Benzodiazepines
Dear Doctor:
My question is, does Klonopin, benzos in general,
and clonidine get prescribed to people who are STILL on methadone? If so, are methadone's
effects magnified? I've done a lot of drugs, but my impression was that Klonopin
was not much more favorable than cloniDINE - perhaps a lot less.
I also remember
someone describing terrible side effects such as hallucinations and the like. Was
it Klonopin or Clonidine that caused these effects? And, is it TRUE that it increases
the effects of the methadone? Does it make it "stay" in the body any longer?
- Methadone Patient
Dear Methadone Patient:
like Valium, Xanax, and Klonopin, temporarily raise methadone levels. After having
been on a steady dose of benzos for a few weeks, and stopping, you may feel that
your methadone dose is too low as a result.
Similar effects occur with alcohol
use, but they are usually more severe and develop more rapidly. Once patients are
on adequate methadone doses, they usually do not abuse either alcohol or benzodiazepines.
Some patients actually benefit from medications like Xanax or Klonopin and
have no problem managing them. These medications are useful in psychiatric disorders,
including Bipolar Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or
for treatment of a seizure disorder.
Most clinics have a lot of mythology--benzodiazepines
"running the methadone out or your system" or that "all patients will
abuse" these drugs or that "withdrawal from them is fatal." It can
be fatal if you are in the hands of people that prevent you from getting them (or
anticonvulsants) and you are on a very high dose. Does anyone here know personally
of a friend who died from benzo withdrawal? I do not know of one who did so among
the ten thousand MMT patients that I have treated.
Overdose is another story.
It is difficult to overdose on these drugs alone but very possible when taken in
combination with methadone.
Clonidine is a completely different drug. It
is usually prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure and has many side
effects. It should be administered by an MD who knows what he is doing. It can be
used effectively to reduce distress related to opioid withdrawal. It can be dangerous.
If you take it for a couple of weeks and stop abruptly, you might get high blood
pressure and bleed into your brain. If you take too much, you can faint and lose
consciousness abruptly from low blood pressure.
In regard to these drugs
causing hallucinations, it is rare. Neither clonidine nor Klonopin (clonazepam) cause
hallucinations in most people.
Dr. Marc Shinderman
Center for Addictive
Problems (CAP)
Chicago, Illinois
Comments from Dr. Byrne (Australia) to August & September 1997 Dr. Columns
In ten years of methadone prescribing I have only seen about six cases of blood
level alterations from other drugs. We order blood levels all the time in patients
who are unsure of their requirements and so they know what their levels are. The
list of possible culprits reprinted from Addiction Treatment Forum is not based on
science, but it stands to breed uncertainty where patients should have complete confidence
in their treatment.
There is no evidence to my knowledge, and certainly
no consistent case reports of altered metabolism due to vitamins, Tylenol, alcohol
or urinary acidifiers. Patients and doctors should be wary of some anti-TB drugs,
anti-HIV agents and anti-epileptic agents. Otherwise, methadone levels and their
effects are as constant as any other drug in the book. And there are far fewer interactions
than with many other commonly used medications.
Of course addicts often
get symptoms which could be caused by intoxication or withdrawal. However, once on
regular doses of methadone, it is much more likely that such problems stem from ordinary
causes such as viruses, vapors, fibrositis or the weather, just like everyone else.
Some other comments on your August issue: The patient (C.O.) who seeks Dr
Hopper's advice on withdrawal is obviously not ready to detox. Of course he can't
sleep and of course he wants to get high as he comes off methadone. He is a drug
addict, isn't he? And one who is not yet ready to come off MMT. But I am pleased
that he tried. And he might do the same as Thomas de Quincey, the writer of 'Confessions'
who attempted a serious withdrawal once every year (usually failing: he used his
'laudanum' to a ripe old age).
The entire US system of MMT will soon be shown
up to be a fabrication of the DEA by developments in Canada and elsewhere. Your DEA
claim that they have no interest in interfering between doctor and patient. But this
is precisely what they have done for thirty years since they first pestered Dr. Dole
in New York. He was doing something like what the Swiss have done with their heroin
trial. It was new, bold and lateral. But it 'worked' for most of those enrolled and
in ways which few would have predicted at the time.
P.S. If anyone is visiting
Sydney, there are two dispensaries ten minutes from the airport who could get suitable
patients onto MMT within the hour. Our state has over 200 prescribers and hundreds
of dispensaries, most charging about US$5 per day.
WithdrawalSymptoms from Menstrual Cycle?
Dear Doctors,
I have been on methadone for 6 years and this
is the 3rd or 4th time I have been on maintenance. I have recently discovered a new
side effect, and am wondering if there is anything I can do to alleviate it. It is
somewhat delicate but here it goes...Every month, a few day before and during the
first few days of my period, I get some withdrawal symptoms. I have a pretty heavy
period, and it lasts for at least 7 days; this has always been the case, and it is
regular. Now I don't think this is in my head because it took me a couple of months
to discover the pattern and the cause of my "uncomfortable" times during
the month.
Has anyone ever complained of this to you? And is there anything
I can do? I am on 60 mg. now, and don't want to increase my dose because I need the
"steps" to cut down on gas and mileage to and from the clinic (the clinic
is in another town, and I work in yet a third town). Thank you for your time. -
Dear SK,
Although Dr. Schuster and I have not heard of
withdrawal symptoms at the time of menstruation, we will try to provide some thoughts
that may be of help. My review of the medical literature didn't turn up any similar
reports, but this may simply mean that researchers and clinicians haven't thought
of or asked about this type of problem. An association between smoking and menstrual
symptomatology has recently been reported (I'll come back to this).
You might
start to get a handle on this problem by thinking about your typical menstrual symptoms
before you started methadone. Are there similarities between your menstrual symptoms
and your withdrawal symptoms?
Researchers are just beginning to look at
the relationship between menstrual symptoms, smoking/alcohol/drug use, and tobacco
withdrawal. These interactions are quite complex and poorly understood (Marks, et
al. 1994; DeBon, et al. 1995, Pomerleau, et al. 1994). Although controversial, some
clinicians are advocating that smoking cessation be timed as not to occur during
What does this mean for you? Consider keeping a diary for
three or four months that lists your symptoms, time of the menstrual cycle, and other
factors that may be important (smoking, alcohol use, stress level). For some people,
simply "seeing" a pattern to their symptoms can be reassuring. If your
discomfort is still troublesome, I think it would be very reasonable to try a small
increase in methadone dose. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the "steps"
to cut down on gas use. It is very unfortunate if your program is requiring extra
visits based only on a methadone dose above 60 mg.
Dr. John Hopper, M.D.
Professor, Internal Medicine,
Pediatrics, Psychiatry
Medical Director, Clinical
Research Division on Substance Abuse, Wayne State University
The steps
to which this patient refers means how many times per week she has to go to the clinic.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what it means -- if she goes above 60 mg., she will
have to give up some of her take homes. Crazy -- do we want patients to work or not?
Do we punish them for needing a higher dose? Apparently so in some clinics -- Editor
Cimetadine Along with Methadone
Dear Doctors,
I have read and heard that using cimetadine along
with methadone can enhance the effects of the opioid. I am on a program and use methadone
as both a means to manage my addiction and as an analgesic ( I have a non-terminal
chronic pain problem that is essentially untreatable but manageable with opioids).
I gave up on pain management clinics after several years of incredibly shabby treatment
and sub-analgesic doses of medications even from the more compassionate care providers,
and after spending some time writing my own prescriptions, found myself on methadone.
Although this has proven largely effective for me, I do have breakthrough pain that
methadone is very poor at managing. I refrain from using heroin regularly to avoid
compromising my status on my methadone program. I stumbled across a note and remarks
recently suggesting that cimetadine would potentiate the effects of methadone, and
gave it a try for several days. Indeed, at doses of 600mg. cimetadine daily about
45 minutes before I dose (my current methadone dose is 80mg a day, soon to be raised
to 90mg and a week later to 100mg. in. d.), I did notice a perceptible augmentation
of both the sedative and analgesic effects of the opioid. Since I generally have
to detox myself about every 8-9 months in order to preserve the analgesic effects
of methadone (I reach a maximum dose of about 120mg. in. d., after which no physicians
I have met are willing to increase my dose further). I am planning to attempt using
cimetadine to stretch the period out a little further between forced detoxes. This
is in addition to trying cimetadine as a treatment for breakthrough pain.
My question is, has anybody elucidated the mechanism by which cimetadine enhances
the effects of methadone? I have speculated that the effect might come from the action
of cimetadine in reducing gastric acid production, thereby allowing more methadone
to escape destruction in the gut prior to absorption, but if this is the case, it
seems to me that any of the Histamine2 antagonists would work as well as Tagamet.
Yet, the few technical references I have found regarding concurrent use of cimetadine
and methadone make no mention of other drugs in the Tagamet class. Can you comment
on the mechanism of cimetadine potentiation of methadone, and also point to any special
issues of contraindication or adverse reaction linked to the concomitant use of both
of these drugs? Thanks in advance. R.L.R.
The use of Tagamet (cimetidine) to augment the effects of methadone
reminds me of a story my father used to tell about the use of penicillin when it
was first introduced in the 1940s. The drug (it was only allowed for the military)
was so hard to get that the soldiers' urine was collected each day. The penicillin
was then recycled by fractional crystallization and returned to the pharmacy!
Now, methadone is cheap (about 50¢ per dose) and easily available, so the above should
not apply. However, the unwillingness of some physicians to prescribe according to
medical principles has caused an epidemic of underdosing amongst methadone recipients.
I would say that there are more risks with underdosing than with overdosing. Apart
from the first few days of treatment, reports of overdose from prescribed methadone
are exceedingly rare.
All the research (and there is lots) teaches us that
attempts to limit the term of methadone treatment or the dose level both lead to
high failure rates. Longer term treatment at appropriate dose levels leads to high
chance of success with extremely low levels of side effects. There is no other area
of medical prescribing (e.g. cholesterol lowering agents, diabetes, arthritis, migraine,
depression) where anyone questions the dose levels or continued treatment for patients
who are doing well. So why is methadone any different?
You may need more
than 100mg of methadone daily on a regular basis (our present maximum is 300mg, average
around 80mg). With your reductions, you are following Thomas de Quincey who wrote
Confessions of an English Opium Eater in 1821. Once each year he reduced, and stopped
('almost'), his daily laudanum consumption. He then had a dreadful week or two in
which he could hardly write a line of prose or make a pot of tea, and then he invariably
recommenced his opium.
The use of cimetidine to increase the blood levels
has been described by Dr Thomas Payte from Texas. My feeling is that it is a strange
way to do what could be done by simply increasing the daily dose of a safe and cheap
medication. When this can be monitored with blood levels it is abundantly safe and
appropriate. Split dosing also increases the *average* blood levels, but only slightly.
However, if it works, and it is not feasible to have a dose increase, then
it may be justified. While cimetadine is probably not approved for this purpose,
it is likely to be safer than using illicit heroin or other analgesics. How this
works is speculative, although I think people have assumed that liver metabolism
of the drug is slowed down. We already know that some epileptic tablets, HIV medications
and anti-TB drugs can *increase* this metabolism. I have not read any papers describing
the reverse, but it certainly happens in patients who *stop* taking the above medications
... while on constant doses of methadone they can become quite intoxicated, a state
you have probably never been in ... at least not from methadone.
You should
have your methadone levels measured 24 hours after dosing. The result will probably
be around 0.2mg/l or lower in which case you are at the lower end of the 'therapeutic
range' which may go as high as 0.5mg/l. Note that the 'peak' levels (measured about
3 hours after a dose) are usually about double these figures but they are less reliable
in my experience.
Best of luck with your inquiries - and your efforts to educate
both yourself and your careers.
Andrew Byrne
Dr Andrew Byrne, General Practitioner, Drug and Alcohol,
75 Redfern Street, Redfern,
New South Wales, 2016, Australia
Tel: (612) 931-95524 Fax: (612) 931-80631
E-mail ajbyrne@ozemail.com.au
Doses Over 100
Dr. Marc Shinderman
Dear Doctor,
My dosing nurse told me quite coldly (as usual)
that the Feds do not like to approve take homes over 100mgs, she says because they
feel we are masking our true feelings by increasing our dosage, instead of dealing
with our problems. She said quote "kinda like putting a band aid over our actual
problems" that have led us to use drugs to begin with.
Dear Methadone
She should be reprimanded; that is not true. They have rules
which must be followed. The rules seem to be designed to make sure that a physician
takes responsibility and takes some care in awarding take home privileges in higher-dosed
I can hold my breath for a really long time. My favorite thing
is to make one of these moral philosophers hold their breath as long as I can; they
can't. Not even close. Then I tell them that my need for air is NORMAL, and theirs
arises from a deep-seated anxiety and irrational fear which needs years of "oxygen
deprivation therapy" and group treatment. I offer to make them breathe a mixture
of oxygen and nitrogen through a mask, while they are in treatment, IN MY EMPLOY,
but I will control the oxygen levels. Without telling them, and for their own good,
I will change the amount of oxygen that they get based on my estimate of their air-hogging
behavior when they are not under my observation. We can do this with random tests.
The less oxygen they take, the better human beings they are. We believe this fervently,
but most, due to moral weakness, relapse to their usual levels of oxygen consumption,
in and out of treatment.
More to the point: The Feds will permit takehomes
as soon as you demonstrate stability on the new dose and the MD writes a letter attesting
to this. At CAP and CAP Downers Grove, the turnaround time averages 10 days before
returning takehomes to the patient's previous level, 2 or 3 time/wk. One time pickups
may take longer, going to twice a week for a while. If they deal with this in any
other way, it is local or clinic rules which they are using against you. They may
just be uninformed, but what the nurse said is B.S. A 500 mg. patient has the same
blood levels as a 50 mg. patient, if they are each doing well in treatment.
Positive UA for Methadone
Dear Doctor,
I've been on methadone for 4 years this November.
I first stabilized at 70mg and then 85mg for 1 1/2 years. When I switched clinics,
I stabilized at 96mg. and stayed there for about 2 years. Somewhere near the beginning
of '97, I started detoxing slowly--first 1mg a week, then 2mg a week. I was doing
great and didn't really feel it very much. All this while, I had 3xweekly take-homes.
Then, in September, I was at 62mg and was told I had a negative methadone UA. Of
course, my counselor asked me what was going on. I told her I was tapering my dose
and that's probably why it was negative. She told me that my current dose (62mg)
should still be showing in my urine and then asked me if I was selling my take-homes.
I was so enraged I ordered a retest, and it retested -methadone. I hadn't used any
illegal drugs, so I thought it was a fluke error--until it happened several times
more within Oct. and Nov. They gave me monitored UAs every time I went to the clinic
for 2 weeks. I've now lost all my take homes because of this. I work full-time, and
going there every day by bus almost always makes me late for work.
have been some changes in my exercise routine in the last 4 months. I bought a bike
and was biking to the clinic, but was it was too far (5 miles one way). However,
I WAS biking to and from work (2 miles one way). I also get more exercise during
work, and as a result drink a lot more fluids. I sweat a lot--more so than other
methadone patients. I break out in a sweat at the most simple task, and it streams
down my face. Even my counselor said it was excessive.
After several very
serious talks with my counselor, telling her over and over, "I have not been
skipping my doses, and if I was, I would tell you." She does seem to believe
me and told me I should see a doctor if I get another negative UA for methadone.
I went to the doctor and they have no idea what's going on. The only test they ran
was one UA taken at 5 p.m. (I dose in the morning) and told me if that one comes
up positive, then everything's ok. That's it. They did admit they were concerned
and didn't have any reason why.
I'm still suffering for a crime that was
never committed. I told the clinic I'd take a lie detector test or anything else,
but they all just assume I'm lying! It makes me furious! Is there any test other
than a UA that can detect methadone? ANYTHING?! I assure you, dear sir, I take my
methadone and all of it. I would not go to the doctor if I knew why this happened
nor, would I load this big messy experience on a true professional.
logic seems to tell me that from being at nearly 100mg for 4 years, then when I was
detoxed 34mg below my stabilized dose and started showing negative methadone, I would
assume my body was using up the methadone with in 24 hours. At my clinic, they say
it takes at least 24 (usually 48) hours for it to get out of one's system. And they
also refuse to budge on the stance that a patient does not show negative methadone
until 20 or less mg. Is that true?
Is there something terribly wrong with
my body? Or is the clinic playing with me by saying they don't know why I'm coming
up negative? I'm very concerned, and I don't know whether it's my health or bad clinic
policies and bad treatment of patients I should be more worried about.
sorry to go on and on for so long but I want you to know what exactly is happening.
I've been doing really good in the past year and half, and now I get punished. If
I dont find out why this is happening to me and get evidence to prove it, I'll never
get my take-homes back. - Cher
Your reported treatment has been unfortunate, arbitrary and
absolutely contrary to normal medical ethics. The doctor responsible should be reprimanded.
Doctors often receive unexpected test results from the pathologist, radiologist
or other diagnostic specialists. We are taught in medical school to take such results
seriously. But the first thing to do is to repeat the test when surprising or conflicting
answers arrive. Yours was repeated and was positive for the drug, which is what one
may expect.
There are many factors which can cause a negative methadone
urine test in a methadone patient. We turn up the odd one in our practice as your
clinic obviously does too. The answer you were given says it all-- below 20mg you
expect this to occur, but they know that you are taking at least 35mg daily on average,
even if you did not consume any of your take-home doses. In women even more than
men, the body stores methadone for well over 48 hours. So they have disproved their
own thesis!
In addition, anyone in the field would know that patients who
have dropped their dose substantially (as you have done) are much more likely to
be tempted to buy extra doses rather than to sell them. Doctors are taught only to
alter someone's treatment on the basis of significant documented, factual information.
This might be altering doses of insulin, seeing blood pressure patients less often,
applying a plaster cast, instituting treatment for glaucoma or stopping it.
Your treatment (and your whole daily routine) has been radically changed on the basis
of very doubtful information (from the lab) which is inconsistent with your clinical
story as you give it. Quite frankly, I do not know why they are testing you for methadone
every time--in your case, it is obviously a waste of time and money as you are swallowing
it in front of the staff most of the time anyway. In some countries (such as England
and France), you may receive the whole week's supply at one attendance with very
little supervision at all. Here in Australia, you would receive twice weekly attendance
with 5 take-home doses in most states (especially if you are working).
hope you will tell your clinic that they are simply not following correct medical
principles. Ask them for the medical evidence that withdrawing take-homes in people
with negative tests for methadone is appropriate [there is none]. There is very persuasive
evidence that withdrawing such 'privileges' encourages people to leave
treatment prematurely. They go back to heroin, they get involved in crime and they
die at a very high rate. Is the clinic there for the patients?
I hope this
information helps to drive a little common sense into what is really a simple medical
treatment for a complex medical and behavioural problem.
Dr Andrew Byrne, General Practitioner, Drug and Alcohol
75 Redfern Street, Redfern,
New South Wales, 2016, Australia
Tel (61- 2) 9319 5524 Fax 9318 0631; ajbyrne@ozemail.com.au
Rapid Opiate Detox
Dear Doctor:
I am curious about Ultra Rapid Opiate Detox (UROD),
which I read about on the Internet. UROD is offered by the Center for the Investigation
and Treatment of Addictions (CITA). They claim they can detox an opiate patient
from heroin, morphine, codeine, opium, and methadone by putting them under anesthesia
for 6 hours, under deep sedation, and the patient "experiences no withdrawal
symptoms." Then they put the patient on a "nine-month Naltrexone regimen"
which they claim creates no dependency. They claim a success rate of 73% of patients
not returning to opiate use.
I find this all quite hard to believe. I called
my internist, who is also an addictions specialist, for her opinion, and she said
to me, "I sure hope you're not thinking of doing this; going under anesthesia
for that length of time is dangerous, and there is no quick fix!"
met a woman who had been on methadone for 7 years and heroin for 15 years who went
through this "UROD" treatment. She said she felt so horrible for three
weeks afterward, she finally relapsed with heroin (I wonder if they would count her
as one of their "successes!"). She said they put her under for 12 hours
(not 6), and after she woke up, the doctor admitted they had had two deaths from
the procedure! I'd like your opinion. - Curious Methadone Patient
The National Institute of Health
(NIH) rejects the claims of CITA, and Columbia U has rejected them as a partner in
research of rapid detox because they would not submit a protocol. CITA in particular
was spoken about among the professionals at the recent NIDA meeting as not being
straightforward with regard to their results, their affiliations and endorsements.
My experience with rapid opioid detox is that patients relapse and feel terrible
following the procedure in the few cases that I know of. Usually they do not want
to return to methadone treatment and eventually are re-addicted to illicit opiates.
CITA, here, paid a patient who had a terrible experience and required 6
weeks of inpatient treatment and was still suicidal months after the detox, to say
that the procedure was wonderful. He has not, to my knowledge, relapsed but is having
a rough time in general. The cost of that detox was fifty thousand dollars and took
months before the patient began to feel well at all if you include the hospital treatment
and his poor condition when they ejected him from treatment there. If you include
the month hospitalization prior to the detox, add another thirty thousand.
When CITA says that 60 percent of patients are drug free or a "success"
a year after treatment, you have to understand their method of determining this.
First they telephone all the patients. Only those who answer are counted. They are
asked by the telephone interviewer, "Have you used heroin every day of the last
fourteen days?" If the answer is "No, 13 days," CITA counts it as
a SUCCESS. This is an unreliable reporting system which features very low criteria
to be counted as "success," leaving questions with limited response possibilities
and no means of validation.
CITA employees go out of their way to stigmatize
methadone treatment, even though it is acknowledged as the safest and most effective
treatment of heroin addiction. The deaths due to rapid detox and those following
any form of detox are a matter of record, and every person involved in the treatment
of opioid addiction should be aware of the risks. Patients should know them also.
Twenty-five percent of deaths from heroin overdose occur following detox and are
related to the vulnerability to respiratory depression in addicts who detoxify.
Naltrexone implants or tablets, which are supposed to transform the detox procedure
into "treatment," are associated in at least one study with a higher rate
of intentional and fatal overdose than is methadone maintenance treatment. Vulnerability
to death from overdose in patients treated with naltrexone for days and weeks and
who then discontinue it is great. Patients with depression seem especially poor candidates
for naltrexone-based treatment. Naltrexone blocks reinforcement for many other activities.
Eating, sex, laughing, drinking and nurturing are among them. One day detox under
general anesthetic may be a good treatment for the few patients who enjoy perfect
health, excellent social and financial circumstances and higher levels of education.
It seems to work with doctors and nurses who are employed, for instance.
Marc Shinderman, Center for Addictive Problems, Chicago
Curious Methadone Patient,
Your reservations about
rapid detox are well placed. The research literature is still very sparse on outcomes,
but there are reports of several types of accelerated opiate detoxification being
used around the world.
The Israeli *organisation which claims to have invented
the general anesthetic detox did no such thing. It was invented by Dr. Loimer in
Vienna around 1987. There were adaptations made by doctors in England in the late
1980s which are similar to what the Israeli doctors began doing around 1992. This
is all well documented in a number of scientific publications.
Claims that
the process is always painless are incorrect. A significant proportion of patients
develop fatigue, insomnia and major body aches. These symptoms may persist for a
couple of weeks but they are usually controlled with simple remedies and reassurance.
The most exciting development recently is the use of naltrexone detox under
sedation rather than full anaesthetic. It can even be done at home and has been
used for the past few years in Spain on hundreds of patients.
There is
no doubt that all of these procedures can 'unhook' any patient who is addicted to
heroin, methadone or other opiates, regardless of the doses used. Many such patients
have been advised to take naltrexone regularly under supervision after the detoxification.
Hence there are two quite separate processes at work here: (1) opiate detoxification
and (2) maintenance of abstinence.
These *utilise naltrexone in most cases.
Trials of naltrexone have been promising, and there is no doubt that when it is
taken regularly, there is effective opiate 'blockade' for up to 3 days. This treatment
could equally well be used after traditional detox and it is only comparisons of
these two modalities which will prove whether 'rapid detox' is more or less likely
to result in long-term abstinence.
My advice is that stable patients on
MMT should open a bank account ear-marked for rapid detox in the future. It is still
not well enough tested for me to be confident to recommend it to my patients. Future
evidence will guide us regarding who is most likely to succeed and at what stage
of their addiction career it is appropriate to implement.
*This is the correct
spelling in Australia
Dr Andrew Byrne, General Practitioner, Drug and Alcohol
75 Redfern
Street, Redfern, New South Wales, 2016, Australia
Tel (61 - 2) 9319 5524
Fax 9318 0631; E-mail: ajbyrne@ozemail.com.au