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The New York Times June 10, 1913, Page 22


Police Seeking Loot Find Evidence for New Charge Against Prisoners.


As Detectives Guinta, King, and Donovan of the East Thirty-fifth Street Station were going through the tenement house at 156 East Thirty-third Street last night investigating a robbery that had occurred in the building earlier in the day they found three men and two women assembled in a room who had, according to the police, several packages of cocaine in their possession. Some of the jewelry and clothing for which the detectives were looking was found in the room. All those in the room were arrested, charged with having cocaine in their possession, and the three were charged with burglary.

Yesterday afternoon Victor Hopper and William Shultz reported that their rooms in the tenement at 156 East Thirty-third Street had been entered and $400 worth of jewelry and clothing taken. The three detectives went through the house last night investigating.