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Organizing Books

From: Aaron D Wilson <>


As promised here is a list of books I have in my collection that deal with the subjects of political activism, organizing, leadership development, and community organizing. Those I have marked with an asterisk (*) have proven to be especially useful to me.

* "How People Get Power", by Si Kahn. 1994 (Latest edition) * "Organizing", by Si Kahn. 1991 ( " " )

"Political Organizing in Grassroots Politics", by Daniel Russell. 1990 ( Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now or ACORN's organizing handbook).

"Rules for Radicals", By Saul Alinsky. 1971

"War Resister League--Organizer's Manual. 1981 (You may have to look for this in an academic library, as it is out of print).

* "Resource Manual for a Living Revolution", by Virginia Coover, et al. 1981

* "Organizing for Power and Empowerment", by Jacqueline B. Mondros and Scott M. Wilson. 1994 (An amazing book, has a chapter called Maintaining and Deepening Membership Participation...)

"Organizing for Community Action", by Steve Burghardt. 1982

"NORML Activist Packet", Available for $15 from National NORML. I recently purchased a copy and have found it to be an excellent resource. A must for any marijuana activist.

"Why We Can't Wait", by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. 1964 (This is a first hand account of the campaign to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama. Great stuff on CD in America).

"Conquest of Violence", by Joan Bondurant. 1965 (Analysis of five Ghandhian campaigns).

"Steal This Book", by Abbie Hoffman. 1971 (Learn why the power structure hated the Yippies...)

"Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing", by W. Collette. 1984

The Art of Coalition Building: A Guide for Community Leaders by Cheri Brown, 1984, 45 pages, $3.50 This handbook takes the reader through the step-by-step process of coalition building. Chapters include: Getting Started; Choosing Realistic Positions and Finding Allies; Developing Effective Leadership Skills; How a Coalition Functions Internally;

How to Negotiate and Resolve Conflicts; and Building Unity Across Ethnic, Religious and Class Divisions. This generic coalition-building guide highlights many of the difficulties that are likely to emerge. Especially helpful is a six-page coalition checklist to guide the reader through the process. Available from the National Coalition Building Institute, 1835 K Street N.W., Suite 715, Washington, DC 20006, (202)785-9400.

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